The Hiddenest of Xbox Gems
Tork is a little known, almost forgotten, terribly underated platformer for the OG Xbox. Birthed into the world after a torrid developemnt cycle that would see it dropped by Ubisoft, then flounder at another publisher (Microsoft), get dropped by them and then picked back up by Ubisoft to be released for a budget price (the tidy sum of $20). Tork is certainly worth a thorough perusing. Developed by first time developer Tiwak, it was their one and only game (joining Voodoo Vince in this regard). Tork is, sort of, the 128 bit Bonk we never got. Starting off in pre-historic times all of Tork's fellow villagers and family are kidnaped by Mr. Evil Bad Guy. It's up to Tork to fight and platform his way through the winding stages to get to them. I really like this game and i don't think it ever got a chance to show enough people how good it is. However there are a few quibbles here and there. The game is tough, especially as it seems it was aimed at kids. The game is rightly criticized for a lack of variety, but I'd rather have strong core gameplay without variety than with variety that sucks (here's looking at you Sly 1 and every PS1 RPG). All in all Tork is not a great game, definately a good one, though. If your up for a challenge/ are in your 20's or younger (making your reflexes sharper) than you'll probally like lil' old Tork as much as I do. The core gameplay is just to strong. B+
Retro Raider
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