A Review for a modded Sega Saturn

A modded Sega Saturn is a system that can play CD-Rs with ROMs burned onto them. I got one from someone advertising it on the net, He did it for around $65 ($24 of that was shipping it back and forth) the PCB board itself only cost $38 if you have a soldering gun and know how to use it. If you want to buy a Saturn and mod it, I would recommend buying some cheap games first as your unlikely to fork over cash for stuff when you can get it for free. Good sites to download from are emuparidise.com,(Best) doperoms (malware free but not a great selection) coolroms.com (full of spyware but good selection). I can't recommend doing this enough as too many of the best Saturn games are infuriatingly expensive, especially if you already have a Saturn but are missing out on classics like Radiant Silvergun, Soukygurentai, Guardian Heroes, Panzer Dragoon Saga and oh so many more. The prices for most of the best imports and complete domestic releases is fucking ridiculous and there is no reason to line the pockets of unscrupulous, scum of the earth, douche bag resellers. Panzer Dragoon Saga is a prime example because the source code has been lost (meaning it will never be ported to another console [it's probably locked in the clutches of some collector douche nozzle who won't release it 'cause it's his freaking precious]). You'll also need an Action Replay Plus or a similar device that allows you to play imports on your domestic machine. The Action Replay also has 6-8 MB of back up memory, (although it doesn't function as a memory card: you have to ferry saves back and forth, which is a HUGE drag) a 4MB Ram expansion for 2D games and some fairly useless cheats. I can't recommend doing this enough especially if you already have a Saturn. Your gaming education isn't fully realized until you've played classics like Bug! 1, Panzer Dragoons 1-3, Bulk Slash, Burning Rangers, Magic Knight Rayearth, Psychic Killer Taromaru, Super Tempo, Dodonpachi, Street Fighter Zero 3, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, Die Hard Arcade, Astal, the list goes on and on. Jump on board the Sega nostalgia train and learn why the Saturn was Sega's best selling console in Japan. A+
-Super Magnetic


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