Bashing stuff with a shovel
A friend asked me to do this review so lets talk about Shovel Knight one of the quintessential indie games of the last 14 years. Shovel Knight is a near perfect experience that now encompasses 4 seperate game modes that have been added one by one by Yacht Club Games over the years. My first experience with SK was at a Gamestop Vita kiosk. I played the demo for 8-10 mins and absolutely loved it. I asked the Gamestop employee if they had it in stock and he told me it was download only, I immediately went home bought it and downloaded it to my Vita. Now I said this game is almost perfect, before i get into why it's great, let's mention what sucks about the game. The chip tune music blows, it's just terrible, I never listen too it because i hate it so. With that out of the way let's get to everything thats great about the game: the graphics, the tight responsive gameplay and the petfectly tuned difficulty (in shovel of hope at least, specter of torments boss fights are br...