Batman (Gameboy)

Batman for the OG Gameboy is my all time favorite Gameboy game. Brought to us by Sunsoft, it sits in good company with alot of the early Gameboy games. It was with the GB Color and the Wii systems that Nintendo would become synonomous with shovelware and lots of crappy games, the early years on the GB were full of great content. I also think I was lucky to have a brother, four years my senior, who had good taste in games. For whatever reason there have been alot of good Batman games over the years from Batman Returns for the Game Gear, to the Gunstar Heroes-ish The Adventures of Batman and Robin for the Genesis (best co-op game on the system and a personal favorite) and the mostly excellent Rocksteady Batman games. Batman has long been a bastion of quality. This game features unparrelled level design perfect for speed running, a great litle weapon system and variety in the form of horizontal shooter levels. Interesting Bosses and perfect enemy placement combined with a near perfect difficulty curve that doesnt spike until near the end of the game, make this an all time classic. If you emulate games you owe it to yourself to play this game right now. The physical copy costs around $20 and is well worth it. Please leave a comment, I recently enabled comments for visitors, not realizing that you previously had to be a blogger user to comment:)


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